Thursday, January 24, 2008

10 weeks Pregnant!

I am sure most of you know that we are pregnant and due August 19, 2008! Yes it was a bit of a shock at first but now we are all over the moon! Since we have Jaxon & Emmy we have no preference whether we have a boy or a girl we just pray that our little bundle of joy will be happy and healthy. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers at this time! I will be blogging and posting pictures of my growing belly and ultrasound photos. This is for everyone to follow our pregnancy but also for us to look back at our last pregnancy/baby! If you want to know week by week updates on how the baby is developing I have added a link on the side of my blog thats called "Pregnancy week by week". Once you click on that link it will bring you to the site. To the right of the site, under VIP: click on the link this week; you will find the baby is very small, however almost fully formed, and kicking up a storm.